The club promotes sailing for all and as such, aims to get as many people as possible on the water. Boat ownership is not a pre-requisite for membership.
Club members enjoy the following benefits:
- Access to the club racing program with trophies presented at annual awards night
- Participation in ‘Cruise in Company’ weekends
- Full range of social events such as club talks and social evenings
- Access to training courses
- Access to the Parish Wharf – a winter storage area on the hard in Portishead
- Voting rights at the club AGM to elect the committee and stand for election
- Ability to apply for one of the club’s trot moorings in Pill
- Use of club resources
In order to keep subscription fees low, the club does ask its members to support working parties to maintain club facilities. Details are emailed to members as they are required.
Above all, members benefit from the shared experiences of sailing and racing both local to Portishead and further afield. There are many salty stories told over a pint!
Membership renewals are due every January and new members joining through the year pay a pro-rata membership fee for their first year. We’re a friendly bunch so if you have any questions, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.